
By MuStat

Budwinter.com gets 136 visitors per day, is worth $129 and has an overall rating of 27/100.

  • SEO performance
  • Traffic
  • Ads Revenue

Basic information

Title Bud winter.com
Description Legendary coach of the san jose state spartans \"speed city\" track and field team
Analytics ID /
Adsense ID /
Ip address


Each day, budwinter.com generates 680 pageviews from 136 visitors. The website receives an average of 4,216 visits and 21,080 pageviews per month. It is given a rating of D, due to its low performance.

Per day Per week Per month Per year
Visitors 136 952 4,216 49,640
Pageviews 680 4,760 21,080 248,200

SEO potential

Budwinter.com has a Google Pagerank of 0 out of 10 and an Alexa Rank of 7,920,539. Although being more and more depreciated as a website quality indicator, a higher PageRank still indicates in most cases the popularity of a website. Sites with high Alexa Rank have high amounts of visitors, indicating that they get good search engine rankings.

The domain name was created 15 years ago (year: 2009, month: 07, day: 13) and has a length of 9 characters. Search engines algorithm gives more credibility and authority to websites whose domain name has been registered for a long time and is still in use (but not parked).

It is given a rating of D, due to its low performance.

Pagerank 0/10
Alexa #7,920,539
Age 15 years, 6 months and 23 days
Index View pages indexed in : [Google] [Yahoo] [Bing]


Budwinter.com earns $0 USD a day in advertising revenue. Income from CPC banner ads is $0 USD per year. Yearly income from CPM banner ads is $25 USD. If the website was up for sale, it could be sold for $129 USD. It is given a rating of E, due to its very low performance.

Per day Per week Per month Per year
CPC 0 0 0 0
CPM 0 0 2 25

Server information

Budwinter.com resolves to the IP address, which is located in , . The amount of bandwidth used by Budwinter is 58.365 MB per day. Thus, we estimates that budwinter.com uses a total of 1 server(s), with a cost of $5 USD per month.

Hosting Analysis

Amount of Servers 1
Servers Cost /month 5
Website Bandwidth /day 58.365 MB

Server location

Latitude 0
Longitude 0

Domains on same IP (

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4. megafarol.com (Megafarol) 3,443
5. vedabase.com (Vedabase) 2,672
6. sadecebahis2.com (Sadecebahis2) 1,446
7. leanx.eu (Leanx) 1,377
8. boostseo.org (Boostseo) 1,136
9. webgl2fundamentals.org (Webgl2fundamentals) 782
10. wrest57.ru (Wrest57) 656