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Ob.gyn. news digital network is the online destination and multimedia properties of ob.gyn. news, the independent news publication for the obstetrician/gynecologist. ob.gyn. news is the leading source of news and commentary about clinical developments in obstetrics and gynecology as well as health care policy and regulations that affect the obstetrician/gynecologist's practice. featured content includes master class, edited by dr. charles e. miller and dr. e. albert reese, and the column drugs, pregnancy and lactation, which addresses drug safety during pregnancy and in breast-feeding women. ob.gyn. news digital network is owned by imng medical media (international medical news group).
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2. currentpsychiatry.com (Currentpsychiatry) 1 594
3. jfponline.com (Jfponline) 1 097
4. oncologypractice.com (Oncologypractice) 950
5. skinandallergynews.com (Skinandallergynews) 925
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7. obgynnews.com (Obgynnews) 871
8. familypracticenews.com (Familypracticenews) 699
9. clinicalpsychiatrynews.com (Clinicalpsychiatrynews) 689
10. internalmedicinenews.com (Internalmedicinenews) 685