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Oil & gas journal- oil and gas news, prices, oil drilling, exploration and production
Oil & gas journal- oil, gas, and petroleum news and resources. topics include oil and gas exploration, drilling, refining, and processing. the latest oil and gas news, markets and company information
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1. ogj.com (Ogj) 30 457
2. elp.com (Elp) 29 958
3. power-eng.com (Power Eng) 29 958
4. coal-gen.com (Coal Gen) 29 913
5. pennenergy.com (Pennenergy) 29 624
6. rdhmag.com (Rdhmag) 29 402
7. deepoffshoretechnology.com (Deepoffshoretechnology) 25 985
8. dentistryiq.com (Dentistryiq) 3 990
9. ledsmagazine.com (Ledsmagazine) 3 908
10. fireengineering.com (Fireengineering) 3 397