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Τίτλος Yoga pranayama cures almost all so called incurable diseases - swami ramdev ji
Περιγραφή Yoga pranayama cures almost all so called incurable diseases - swami ramdev ji on indian & international tv channels pranayama (rhythmic control of breath) is the biggest medicine of this world divine powers to cure any disease are awakened within you by pranayama creating a "disease free society - medicines free world" swami ramdev ji has been almost daily declaring on indian & international tv channels, since the year 2002 that patients of all so called incurable diseases; should immediately start doing yoga pranayama (rhythmic control of breath) for cure without allopathic medicines. after extensive research of the beneficial effects of pranayama yoga during last more than ten years, on millions of people in india, swami ramdevji has declared on indian & international tv channels that it has been proved now that yoga pranayama (breathing technique yoga) cures most of the diseases without allopathic medicines or surgery. guru ramdev baba says that pranayama yoga is the complete ancient indian therapy & life science, which is the medical science in itself that cures almost all of the physical or mental medical condition, without any side effects. swami ramdev ji maharaj has proved and declared on indian & international tv channels, "pranayama yoga is the natural cure for all physical and mental ailments". swami ramdev baba has been declaring on indian tv channels that all medical & mental conditions can be cured by doing pranayama yoga, with faith in god and yourself. swami ramdev baba says that it is your birth-right to stay disease free, healthy, slim, fit, look beautiful & younger, in complete peace of mind and get back robust health, better than your age. do not lose hope, do not suffer and stop depending on expensive allopathic treatments, when indian pranayama yoga & indian ayurvedic medicines are there to help you out. make proven & time tested "indian yoga pranayama" your " family doctor" and enjoy your life fully with complete peace of mind. if you benefit and get cured tell others, if you need any clarification, ask us, say swami ramdev ji. god helps those, who help themselves with pranayama yoga. almost all ailments are cured without costly allopathic medicines, operations or surgery. hope you shall take this in positive spirits & give it a serious thought. it is amazing, but it is true that this is the cheapest and the cure to most of the so called incurable diseases too. just start doing it first at home, let the doctors tell you the amazing results, after which stop taking the medicines in consultation with your doctors. there is no harm in doing small breathing exercises, as pranayama yoga has no side effects. it only has manifold beneficial effects, which cures all your major to minor medical & mental conditions simultaneously, in weeks if not in days, depending on how much damage it has already done to your body. hiv & aids: on 'india tv' & couple of other tv channels, on dec. 22 & 23, 2006, swami ramdev ji said that yoga pranayama & the ayurvedic & herbal medicines suggested by him can control & cure aids. he added that the cd4 cell count of the people affected by aids, which had fallen to 50; 100; 150 have gone up to 400; 500; & even 600, which is quite normal. he added that even the people with cd4 cell count of 5 to 10 have benefited. cd4 cells (t4 count, t-helper cells) are a class of immune cells that gradually get depleted in hiv infection. on dec. 22 & 23, 2006, 'india tv' also showed a lady, declaring openly, in one of his yoga science camps to have been cured of aids. this lady had come to know that she had aids, after she lost her husband due to aids. cancer: quoting from page 55 of the monthly magazine "yog sandesh" (english) september 2006 issue, of swami ramdev ji's trust in india, "yoga guru swami ramdev while addressing the people said that yoga & pranayama have been successful in curing 200 cancer patients and he is ready to give evidence. the ancient science is also beneficial in case of aids and experiments are being carried out in that area. he would make formal announcement once the tests are completed". swami ji said, "till now i have completed more than ten thousand scientific experiments. the patients of diabetes, obesity, hypertension, depression, can take part in the seven-day camp and check the results on their own. they will notice 50% improvement within a week". this magazine is also available along with all the back issues of yog sandesh monthly, online at swami ramdev has largest followers in india, who get up early mornings & follow him on tv from 5.30 - 8 am. no doubt that in india, his tv shows are having the largest trp. western world is recognising this now, as most of the request for holding his week long camps are coming from western world. queen elizabeth ii of u k, invited swami ramdev to a tea party on the first day of his arrival in london, in july 2006. as people know he cannot visit their country/ city, even healthy people are fallowing his yoga pranayama regimen, as available in his dvds, vcds, books & magazines etc., to keep fit. do not get depressed. there is hope & there are results.
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Ο δέχεται ημερησίως κατά μέσο όρο 2 175 μοναδικούς επισκέπτες καθώς και 435 εμφανίσεις σελίδων. Ο δικτυακός τόπος δέχεται κατά μέσο όρο 13 485 επισκέψεις καθώς και 67 425 εμφανίσεις σελίδων μηνιαίως. Έχει βαθμολογία D, λόγω των χαμηλών επιδόσεων του.

Ανά ημέρα Ανά εβδομάδα Ανά μήνα Ανά έτος
Επισκέπτες 435 3 045 13 485 158 775
Εμφανίσεις σελίδων 2 175 15 225 67 425 793 875

SEO δυναμικό

Ο έχει Google Pagerank 1 στα 10 και Alexa Rank 3 077 594. Παρά το γεγονός ότι χρησιμοποιείται όλο και λιγότερο ως δείκτης ποιότητας του ιστοσελίδων, ένα υψηλότερο PageRank εξακολουθεί να δείχνει, ως επί το πλείστον, η δημοτικότητα μιας ιστοσελίδας. Οι ιστοσελίδες με υψηλή Alexa Rank έχουν υψηλό αριθμό επισκεπτών, αναφέροντας ότι έχουν καλή κατάταξη στις μηχανές αναζήτησης.

Το όνομα χώρου δημιουργήθηκε πριν από 18 χρόνια (έτος : 2006, μήνα: 03, ημέρα : 11) και έχει μήκος 13 χαρακτήρων. Ο αλγόριθμος των μηχανών αναζήτησης δίνει μεγαλύτερη αξιοπιστία και εξουσία σε ιστοσελίδες των οποίων η όνομα τομέα έχει καταχωριστεί για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα και εξακολουθεί να χρησιμοποιείται (αλλά όχι παρκαρισμένο).

Έχει βαθμολογία D, λόγω των χαμηλών επιδόσεων του.

Pagerank 1/10
Alexa #3 077 594
Ηλικία 18 χρόνια, 6 μήνες και 27 ημέρες
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Ανά ημέρα Ανά εβδομάδα Ανά μήνα Ανά έτος
CPC 1 5 23 274
CPM 0 1 5 60

Πληροφορίες διακομιστή

Ο κατευθύνει στην IP διεύθυνση, που βρίσκεται στο/στη(ν) HOUSTON, Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες. Ο Yogapranayama χρησιμοποιεί 186,682 Mo του εύρους ζώνης την ημέρα. Έτσι, εκτιμάται ότι ο χρησιμοποιεί ένα σύνολο 1 διακομιστές, με κόστος 4 ανά μήνα.

Φιλοξενία ανάλυση

Αριθμός των διακομιστών 1
Κόστος του διακομιστή /μήνα 4
Εύρος ζώνης /ημέρα 186,682 Mo

Τοποθεσία του server

Γεωγραφικό πλάτος 29.8312
Γεωγραφικό μήκος -95.4741
Πόλη Houston
Χώρα Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες

Domain που μοιράζονται την ίδια IP (

Αρ. Όνομα τομέα Επισκέπτες
1. (Wildsurvive) 2 614
2. (Domparison) 1 601
3. (Grosirbajuanakku) 1 019
4. (Servercheck) 600
5. (Harrisoncatholic) 515
6. (Yogapranayama) 435
7. (Viktorialove) 405
8. (Manmovies) 349
9. (Foredi1) 335
10. (Discover Your Type) 262