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Título Noahide laws | yeshiva pirchei shoshanim
Descripción The torah has an all-encompassing vision for mankind in which every person, jew and gentile, has a role to play. the torah’s ideal role for the non-jew is that of the noahide (in hebrew, the ben noach, child of noah). this role is defined by a large body of halacha (law) called the sheva mitzvos bnei noach, the seven commandments of the children of noah. this project has been endorsed by rabbi lazar brody: “ until now, i have never had the privilege of seeing such a comprehensive, practical, and indisputably authoritative study of the entire corpus of torah literature pertaining to the noahide laws. pirchei shoshanim has put together a staff of renown torah scholars for this project, which g-d willing will provide an outstanding halachic resource for the rabbinic world as well as a practical guide to noahide observance and belief for the non-jewish world. it is an honor to endorse this excellent project, which will surely hasten the day when all of mankind calls hashem’s name, as we say thrice daily in the aleinu prayer.” more and more non-jews have turned to the ancient wisdom of the torah and its sages for guidance as to what god expects from them. unfortunately, there are virtually no authentic or complete resources for the rabbinic world as to how to provide for those non-jews seeking answers. the u.s. congress officially recognized the seven universal laws of noah in legislation which was passed by both houses. congress and the president of the united states, george bush, indicated in public law 102-14, 102nd congress, that the united states of america was founded upon the seven universal laws of noah, and that these laws have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization. they also acknowledged that the seven laws of noah are the foundation upon which civilization stands and that recent weakening of these principles threaten the fabric of civilized society, and that justified preoccupation in educating the citizens of the united states of america and future generations is needed. for this purpose, this public law designated march 26, 1991 as education day, u.s.a. click here to read more about this. responding to the growing demand for information, yeshivas pirchei shoshanim has undertaken a project of vast historical importance: to produce a comprehensive, practical, and indisputably authoritative study of the entire corpus of torah literature pertaining to the noahide laws. our institution has gone above and beyond in this endeavor. from researching original editions of long-censored rabbinic texts to intense consultation with torah sages, we are charting the development of every element of noahide law from its source in the torah all the way through modern responsa. our goal is two-fold: 1) to produce a halachic resource for the rabbinic world and, 2) to produce a practical guide to noahide observance and belief for the non-jewish world. this project will utilize the entire rabbinic staff and resources of yeshivas pirchei shoshanim. our rabbinic oversight committee for the project is comprised of the following scholars (their biographies are available on our main site): rabbi avraham chaim bloomenstiel, project director rabbi yitzchok tzvi oshinsky rabbi peretz moncharsh the proposed course will last approximately six months and cover both the theology and law provided by the torah for the noahide. see the course overview to learn what is covered by this course. see rabbi lazar brody's haskama/approbation for this program. view a sample lesson apply here! | the worldwide shulchan aruch learning project
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